Is farting good for you?

Ah, farting. The butt of many jokes (pun absolutely intended), and probably the last thing you’d think to thank for your health. But guess what? Farting isn’t just your body’s own comedy show; it’s actually good for you. Surprised? Let’s break wind—uh, I mean, break it down.

How farting makes you healthy

  • The Grand Old Digestive Indicator

    So is farting good for you? Well, think of farting as your body’s daily performance review. If you’re farting, congrats! Your digestive system is on the job, breaking down food and keeping things moving. No farts might actually mean your stomach and intestines are slacking off. Not cool, stomach. Not cool.

  • Bye-Bye, Bloating

    Ever eat so much at lunch you feel like you’re going to explode by math class? Farting to the rescue! It’s like releasing air from a balloon. Sure, you might not want to let one rip right in the middle of a silent test, but a discreet escape to the restroom can make your tummy a lot happier.

  • Sniffing Out Health Issues

    Okay, this might sound gross, but the smell of your farts can tell you a lot about what’s happening inside your body. Super stinky? Might be time to lay off the junk food. Something smell really off? It might be a sign to check in with your doctor. Yes, your farts can actually be a health detective.

  • The Ultimate Stress Reliever

    Ever notice how sometimes, after a good fart, you just feel better? There’s a reason for that. Releasing gas can physically relieve tension in your belly. And let’s be real, sometimes the sound itself can be a laugh trigger. Laughter is the best medicine, right?

So, there you have it. Farting is not just something to giggle about with friends (although that’s definitely a plus). It’s a natural, normal part of keeping your body healthy and happy. Next time you feel a little gassy, remember: it’s just your body doing its thing. High five, body. You keep on tooting, and we’ll keep on smiling. 💨👍

Want to know more? Check out this video in which the BBC answers the question: Is farting good for you? Check it out and learn how your farts are helping you live a long life.

YouTube video

Share your farts on FartShare

Is Farting Good for You? FartMonsterIt’s why we’re here. We’re hungry for farts. All the best fart sounds the internet has to offer wind up on FartShare. If you want to share your farts with us upload them on the homepage or post them to the FartShare Facebook Page! From top five fart lists to informative videos on farts, FartShare has everything you are looking for in a fart video. And when you are done watching fart videos head over to the Listen to Farts section and check out what the world has to offer. Or go ahead and record yourself passin’ that sweet gas and upload it on the FartShare homepage. We are always looking for new worthy candidates to add to our large array of real farts. Simply use your smart phone’s record feature and upload it as a sound file to your computer, then head on back to FartShare and upload the file and give it a name and description. We will take care of the rest.