Welcome to FartShare.com the Greatest Fart Website in the World (that we know of)! Whether you want to rate farts, share a fart, or just listen to some real fart sounds, FartShare.com is the fart website to do it on.
If you enjoy farts and farting and want to hear some real fart sounds the you’re at the right fart site!
Share Your Farts!
Do you have some fart audio or video you want to share with the people? You can share it here on FartShare.com, the Greatest Fart Website in the World! Share your fart using the Fart Uploader Form. Give your fart a name and tell us a little about it, then upload your audio file or video. It’s as easy as that. Don’t be shy, we are always looking for new worthy candidates to add to our collection of real fart sounds and we keep things anonymous (unless you don’t want to). And if for some reason you’ve never recorded a fart, just put your phone up to your butt and let it rip. After you get that rippin fart uploaded, go rate farts from your gassy comrades.
Rate Farts!
Here at FartShare.com, we think nothing is better than a good ole fart sound. Our fart site has all kinds of fart sounds for you to listen to, from little squeaks to bubbly volcanos! Each one has its on unique qualities. Let us know what you think by rating the farts you enjoy. The world wants to know what you think of these farts.
Or Just Listen to Farts!
FartShare.com is all about having fun and sharing farts. If you’re not into sharing and you have a hard time judging farts, we still invite you to listen to farts from our vast fart collection. And who knows, maybe after some time you’ll get the sharing spirit too. There may be other fart sites out there, but FartShare is hands down the greatest fart website in the world! Join us!
Check Out These Farts
Thunderous Fart
The thunderous fart, straight from the bowels of Zeus, makes its presence known in a way that cannot be ignored.
Bubbly Volcano Fart Video
Straight from the volcanic depths of the human anus comes this bubbly volcano fart. This volcano fart is ready to erupt!
EVP Fart
The EVP fart, a fart that sounds eerily like the voice of [...]
Nice Rip
A nice rip for all you fart lovers out there.
How Bout Dat Fart
Tribute to everyone's favorite Dr. Phil patient .. straight out dat ass. [...]
The White Castle Fart
Had too much White Castle. Sooner burns! You know whats comin....Its a white castle fart. One of many dreamy fart sounds on FartShare.com
The Gas Man Fart
The OG of farts, been killing it in the fart game for about 34 years...the gas man fart.
The Offramp Fart
The Offramp Fart isn't just any ordinary toot. It's your personal exit ticket from Snoozeville.
Fart Facts
A Brief History of Farts in Literature and Art
A Brief History of Farts in Literature and Art In the grand tapestry of human culture, where literature and art [...]
Why are my farts so smelly?
Why Are My Farts So Smelly? A Nose-Twitching Exploration Have you ever wondered, in the midst of a particularly pungent [...]
Are Farts Healthy? Health Benefits of Farting
Are Farts Healthy? So, you're curious if farting is healthy? Well, buckle up, because you're about to dive into the [...]